Marriages are 'made' in heaven

Maintenance happens on EarTH !

A True Gift For You And Your Valentine



5 Days, 30 Min A Day : Feb 19th - 23rd

 Registrations are now closed!Click Here To Save Your Seat

A beautiful relationship is not counted in its years, But it is counted by the "quality" in those years...A practical & fun based challenge to transform relationships. Who can participate?

Just The Man

Don't worry if your partner won't be able to join this time. Your lone participation can still sprinkle some magic upon your relationship!

Just The Lady

Currently you alone have bandwidth to participate. Get excited to learn how you can bring about a positive change!


The stars are perfectly aligned for both of you to participate. Learn how to co-create and stay on an energising cycle!

Is The '5 Days to a Better Relationship' Challenge

For Me And My Partner?

YES! This Challenge Is For You, Specially If...

You've not been intentional about your relationship... and the distance in the relationship is getting to you

You yearn to rekindle the connect in your relationship (Shh... you’ll unearth methods to transform the 'mundane' into 'something meaningful')

Growing responsibilites at work and/or family have kept you away from investing in your relationship with your spouse

You've taken each other for granted and now it's turning out to be a costly mistake


Our marriage is already great!

Can the 5 Days to a Better Relationship Challenge still add value...??

YES! This Challenge Is For You too...

It includes FUN EXERCISES, to deepen the friendship 

REMINDERS, to long forgotten ideas

WEAVES IN INTENTIONALITY, to set aside time for each other during the challenge week

 Registrations are now closed!Click Here To Save Your Seat Now - 19th - 23rd Feb

What You'll Learn During The 5 Day Challenge!

DAY #1:

Do You Know Your Partner Well?

How well do you know your partner? Uncover their preferences, aspirations, and the intricacies that make them unique. This exploration isn't merely a checklist but a continuous, dynamic process that evolves with the growth of your relationship.

Whether your relationship is young or little mature; we guarantee you that Day 1 will leave you wanting more; as you celebrate the discovery of the familiar and embrace the surprises that unfold, for it is within these moments that the true essence of knowing your partner flourishes.

DAY #2:

Are You Offering Food For Their Soul?

In the delicate tapestry of a relationship, words serve as the gentle threads that weave the fabric of connection. Thoughtfully chosen and expressed, words possess the transformative power to nurture and strengthen the bonds between individuals. In every whispered sentiment & shared conversation, there lies an opportunity to cultivate a deeper, more profound connection. 

How are you using your 'words' today? Learn how the simple art of articulation can foster a climate for both partners to thrive and flourish.

DAY #3:

What's Your Spontaneity Score?

Spontaneity fosters an atmosphere of excitement and novelty, injecting a sense of playfulness into the routine of daily life. It has the remarkable ability to  allow relationships to evolve; expanding comfort zones; deepening a spirit of openess - thereby creating erverlasting memories!

Be it unscripted moments or well thought out & carefully curated events, each have their own merit and purpose to infusing excitement into relationships! Explore the various domains & ways in which you can create unexpected delight with your (un)anticipated gestures!!

DAY #4:

Do You Know Your Partner's Love Language?

He is silently working hard to buy Her, a fine piece of jewellery for a special occasion....She thinks, He has no time for Her & is married to his work! 

A classic case of Transmission and Reception error! Over time, it's misinterpreted as erosion of love. Love exists.  Just as a language can have many dialects, expression of love can have many variations. 

Learn to speak love in a language your partner can readily understand.

DAY #5:

Do You Know These 2 Magical Words?

Some phrases wield profound power.  When uttered, in sincerity, depth and at the right time, it gives a sneak peak into your partner's mind and intent.  Humble acknowledgement of feelings and emotions and learning to effectively voice them, definitely binds a couple stronger, together.

Explore ways to weave the magical phrases into the fabric of your relationship. 


Books and Conversations

BONUS 1: In the most gentle ways, books can be a mirror to our behaviour patterns, our hidden emotional handicaps yet offer insightful solutions! Explore some of our recommended Books List to take your game to a whole new level.

Time shared over conversations, invisibly binds a couple tighter together. We've got you covered with a list of potential conversation starters to get you started. Reckon you to build upon that magic to deepen the channels of communication.


10X Your Relationship with ONE Question!

What if there existed A SINGLE QUESTION, a hidden key that could unlock the deepest realms of your relationship? Imagine the profound impact it could have, the layers of understanding it could unveil, and the bonds of intimacy it could strengthen. A simple question - seemingly obvious, hidden in plain sight - beckons us to delve beyond old habit patterns, and established comfort zones of the relationship to truly communicate love and care to your partner!

Dare to ask, and who knows what wonders you may uncover on this quest to learn how to honour your most prized relationship!


Post The 5-Day Challenge!

Appreciate your hard work and respect you for what you do? If she can become your biggest cheer leader? If she can become the wind beneath your wings so you can soar higher? 


Post The 5-Day Challenge!

Articulate and express himself in the exact ways that you know to receive and process it? If he learns to communicate better with you? If conversations stop leading to arguments ? If there's an overall sense of joyful companionship?

Your Chance To Reboot Your Relationship,

To Become An "Intentional" Partner...


 Registrations are now closed!Click Here To Save Your Seat Now - 19th - 23rd Feb


When You Sign Up For The '5 Days to a Better CHEMISTRY' Challenge 

5 Days of fun filled value added exercises which is Instructor led. ($80 Value)

FREE! Access to a highly motivated community for motivation.  ( $120 Value)

FREE! A Webinar to learn the ONE question to 10X your relationship("Priceless")

Normally: $199.99

TODAY'S PRICE: $12.99!

 Join The Challenge Now!Click Here To Save Your Seat Now - 19th - 23rd Feb


Hear the interesting stories from our lovely customers.

"It has been a valuable experience navigating through this relationship challenge; we were able to discover the inherent potential within our connection. We were able to openly discuss various aspects of our lives and feelings, which facilitated mutual understanding and respect for each other's ambitions and limitations. We still continue to maintain the positive mindset instilled during the challenge, allowing us to appreciate each day of our lives and face challenges together fearlessly. Thanks a lot for designing and anchoring this very thoughtful challenge..!!"

by Suraj & Lavanya (Bangalore)

"What can, just 5 days do to our relationship’ the thought we had when we enrolled to this challenge. Those thoughtfully crafted 5 days gave us answers beyond just making our relationship better. Sometimes the monotonies and responsibilities of life make us forget our own selves. Through this program, we realised our basic purpose of being together. We now respect more, admire more, share more, love more and live more.. All this with everyone around us! It gave us hope, that it is never too late to make any relationship better, if there is really the will. We are thoroughly enjoying our new outlook towards relationships! A big thank you to the creators :)

by Vivek & Swathi (Bangalore)

"Thank you so much for giving your precious time and showing genuine care for us through teaching a few special activities and experience sharing. Through the activities, we opened up a different dimension of our relationship. Thank you, now we are aware of who we are to each other. Thank God we found the right set of people to associate with. Without this challenge, it won't be possible to find peace when the two people have a completely different upbringing.
Now I can do effective communication better and write gratitude every day. Now I have learned to appreciate her efforts whatever the outcome may be.
Grateful and excited for more

by Dwaipayan & Madhumita (Kolkata)

"I must say this has taken my relationship with my wife to the next level. What it has done to me is to take notice of things on a daily basis and not on a special occasion like her birthday, our anniversary or women's day, just to make her feel happy. I must say it has added a lot more spice, excitement, love, care, better understanding between the two of us. I would highly recommend this challenge to any couple in any stage of their relationship.🙏"

by Arjun & Renu (Singrauli)

Frequently Asked Questions

What if we barely have any alone time together?

The daily prompts and activities could be accomplished in as little as 15 to 20 minutes; many of which can be completed if you're crossing paths quickly, around kids, or in separate locations.

Can I participate solo if my partner isn't on board with the challenge?

Yes, as these are individual actions for each partner to take. It will be extra beneficial if they are doing the daily activities too, but you can certainly take the challenge solo and you both will feel the positive impact!

Our relationship is in trouble. Will this challenge help?

This challenge will help everyone to improve the Quality of their relationships by becoming intentional. However its not a replacement for therapy or counselling.

How will the scoring system work? 

Your partner will score against the assignment.

How is this Challenge different from others out there?

All Challenges give out activities to be done. But our engagement through our instructors stand out

Does the $12.99 cover both of us or just one?

The $ 12.99  pricing allows you both to participate. It's the same cost whether you or both of you participate.

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